
Thank you for generously supporting our mission

How Gifts to Transitions are Used

Gifts to the Transitions Foundation are used to ….

  • Support Transitions’ programs and services so that people, regardless of income, have access to mental health and rehabilitation services
  • Meet emerging needs in our community
  • Purchase equipment and capital items used in the delivery of our services (see our Current Needs page)
  • Make capital improvements to agency properties

Giving Now

We welcome and appreciate current gifts.  These gifts can be given in a variety of ways …

  • gifts of cash (given via check or credit card)
  • gifts of securities (stocks, bonds, mutual funds)
  • gifts of real or personal property (real estate, jewelry, artwork, collections)
  • gifts of retirement plan benefits, often providing the donor with tax benefits
  • in-kind gifts (items or merchandise that can be used in the operation of Transitions’ programs and services)

Gifts to the Transitions Foundation may be given to support the agency’s general operations or most pressing needs or they may be restricted for a specific purpose or program.  Donors may direct their gifts for a specific purpose/program by indicating their desires on the Donation Form.

Gifts given via check may be directed to:

The Transitions Foundation
P.O. Box 3646
Quincy, IL  62305

Deferred Gifts or Planned Gifts

Deferred Gifts are those that are planned now…but are received by Transitions at a later date. Deferred gifts are often given as part of one’s will or estate plan.  Including Transitions in your will is simple … and enables you to continue your care and concern for people, with special needs, beyond your lifetime.


We appreciate the assistance of individuals and groups who give their time and talents to Transitions through volunteer service.  If you are interested in volunteering, please contact us.

The Transitions Foundation gratefully accepts current and deferred gifts in any amount.

For questions or more information about giving, please contact the Director of Development at (217) 223-0413.